1. Principal Investigator (PI), FPGA based development of different MPPT algorithms for a stand-alone photo voltaic system using artificial intelligence (25.07 lakhs Ministry of Power, CPRI).
2. Co-PI, Investigation on the operation and control of multiple distribute generator sources in microgrid. (Phase-II) (25 lakhs Ministry of Power, CPRI).
3. Principal Investigator (PI), “Adaptive MPPT of Grid- tied Photovoltaic System using Magnetically Coupled Impedance Source Inverters” (DST SERB, EMR project (SERB/EMR/2016/005851), 24.36 Lakhs).
4. Co-PI, “Semi-active damping using controllable orifice for four-wheeler automobile” (DST SERB, Core grant project (SERB/EMR/2021/001519), 28.18 Lakhs).